Spoilers: NWA Power TV Tapings Results from Atlanta, GA (9/30)

On Monday night, the National Wrestling Alliance held the first night of tapings for the new NWA Power studio show from Atlanta, Georgia.

NWA Power is a new weekly digital series that will premiere Tuesday nights at 6:05pm ET on the NWA’s Facebook and YouTube channels. The first episode drops next week, October 8th.

The second round of tapings take place tonight. NWA Vice President Dave Lagana had this to say about the road that led to the first NWA Power taping:

The following are spoiler results from the tapings, courtesy of of Ben Turpen. Visit Ben’s Twitter page for lots of photos and videos from the event.

NWA Power Tapings Results (9/30)

Reigning NWA World Champion Nick Aldis kicks off the NWA Power era with promo from the studio desk.

Zane & Dave Dawson def. Billy Buck & Sal Rinauro.

Eli Drake def. Caleb Konley.

NWA World Tag Team Champions Thomas Latimer and Royce Isaacs def. a local tag team. The champions were cutting a promo after their win but were interrupted by Homicide and Eddie Kingston.

James Storm def. Jocephus in a squash match.

Tim Storm comes out and challenges Nick Aldis.

Nick Aldis def. Tim Storm to retain the NWA World Championship.

Aron Stevens (formerly Damien Sandow) cuts a promo at the studio.

Ricky Starks def. Trevor Murdoch.

Colt Cabana and Mr. Anderson def. a local tag team.

Allysin Kay def. Ashley Vox in a non-tile bout.

James Storm came out for another promo.

Eddie Kingston and Homicide challenge Latimer & Isaacs for the tag titles, but it ends in a no contest after The Dawsons attack both teams. Kingston then cuts a promo challenging the Dawsons to a match.

Marti Belle def. Crystal Rose.

Caleb Konley def. a local talent.

Eli Drake offers to partner with Tim Storm, and Storm accepts. They take on the Dawsons in a tag match. Dawsons emerge victorious by pinning Storm and continue to attack him afterward. Kingston and Homicide make the save.

Trevor Murdoch wins a match against Jocephus and gains an NWA contract.

Marti Belle gives an interview saying that she wants to earn a title shot.

Ashley Vox def. Marti Belle.

The Dawsons take on Kingston & Homicide in a No DQ match. The Wildcards interfere and Dawsons win.

Ricky Starks def. Aron Stevens.

James Storm & The Wildcards vs. Nick Aldis, Colt Cabana, and Mr. Anderson. Cabana’s team wins after he pins Latimer and he earns a shot at the National Championship as a result.


h/t to WrestleZone for compiling these results from Twitter

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