airdate: May 3rd 2017
Full Sail University
1. Killian Dain vs. Danny Burch
Burch got in a little bit of offence, but for the most part this was a showcase match for Dain. The 32-yeear old Irish member of Sanity picked up the win with the Ulster Plantation, a 1-handed electric-chair driver.
Winner: Killian Dain
2. Heavy Machinery vs. Local Talent
The tag-team of Heavy Machinery won a quick squash match here. After the match they said they want to face the Authors of Pain for the NXT tag titles.
Winners: Heavy Machinery
- In the back Bobby Roode is seen giving advice to Kona Reeves, who will face Hideo Itami later in the show
- Also in the back, Team DIY state in an interview that they deserve a match with Authors of Pain next, not Heavy Machinery.
3. Hideo Itami vs. Kona Reeves
Possibly acting on the advice Roode gave him, Reeves attacked Itami before the bell to gain an advantage. It worked for a bit, but eventually Itami battled back, and gave Reeves the GTS for the win.
Winner: Hideo Itami
Who is Roderick Strong? Part II
Last week a video package aired which detailed the troubled upbringing of Roderick Strong. This week’s video focusses more on his adult life.
4. NXT Women’s Championship #1 Contender Battle Royal
The match came down to Ruby Riot, Nikki Cross, and Ember Moon. As all 3 were down, Asuka hit the ring and beat up all 3. She then said “No one is ready for Asuka” and left. William Regal then came out and said since Asuka ruined the match, she would have to face all 3 of the remaining participants in a fatal 4-way for her NXT championship at NXT Takeover: Chicago.
Winner: Riot, Cross, and Ember Moon will all face Asuka in a fatal 4-way