Following his recent release by WWE, Drake Wuertz announced that he is returning to the ring as an active competitor.
Drake Wuertz was an active star in the indies. He transitioned to a refereeing role following signing with WWE in 2013.
In a social media post, Drake Wuertz announced that he was returning to his ‘Younger’ days before confirming the date for his return.
Younger was recently released from his WWE contract, following a series of incidents involving his personal views. Recently these had been interfering with this WWE responsibilities. Wuertz will return at a charity event that echoes his own personal beliefs. The event will also feature a meet and greet with former WWE and International superstars Matt Morgan and Low-Ki!
A devout Christian and conservative, Drake Wuertz fell out of favour in WWE, despite being the head referee in NXT. Reports since his release say that many wrestlers were starting to refuse to wrestle in matches under his control.
Drake Wuertz has been out of the ring for almost 8 years. It remains to be seen if this return or a one-off event. If a full-time return is part of the plan, Wuertz may find himself struggling to get a regular spot at any of the larger promotions. His reputation and often confrontational views may limit his opportunities both as a wrestler and a performer.