MSK to Defend NXT Tag Team Belts Against Legado del Fantasma

Another rivalry looks to be reaching its conclusion in NXT. William Regal has sanctioned an NXT tag team title match between MSK and Mendoza and Wilde from Legado del Fantasma.

The match came about after Mendoza and Wilde picked up a win over Tomasso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher. The match itself served as a device for escalating two different feuds. The MSK feud for one and the growing storyline between the duo of Ciampa and Thatcher and the Grizzled Young Veterans. The British pair being the reason Legado del Fantasma picked up the victory on Tuesday night.

The group have been feuding with the current Tag Team champions for a while now. MSK beat Mendoza and Wilde on the opening night of NXT Stand and Deliver to claim the then vacant belts. In recent weeks, the pair have been teaming up with Cruiserweight champion Kushida. Kushida himself is locked in a feud with Santiago Escobar, the leader of Legado del Fantasma.

MSK are currently enjoying their first reign as champions in WWE. The championship fight, which is set for June 1st, will be the second time they have defended the belts. At this time there are no stipulations attached the bout. However, expect to see Escobar show up at some point to try and steer the odds in his teams favor. Hopefully Kushida will be on hand however to even up the score.

It could be hard to pick a winner between these two groups, but either way, the match is bound to be a show-stealer.

Posted May 19th, 2021 in NXT, News. Tagged: .

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