Ridge Holland Injury Update: Gruesome Post-Surgery Photos

Ridge Holland legs

NXT star Ridge Holland has checked in with an injury update and it’s not pretty.

Holland (real name Luke Menzies) has been out of action since October, when he suffered a series of injuries during a match against Oney Lorcan on NXT TV.

During a spot that saw Lorcan dive to the outside of the ring onto Holand, the former professional rugby star fractured his left ankle. He also suffered a right knee patella dislocation and patellar tendon rupture. He was hospitalized and underwent multiple operations to repair the damage.

You can see WWE’s coverage of Ridge Holland’s injuries from this October 2020 NXT Injury Report:

Ridge Holland Update

Ridge Holland posted several photos of his legs to social media on Tuesday morning. He did not provide a caption, so it’s unknown when they were taken.

The photos reveal the extent of Ridge Holland’s injuries. We wish him a full and speedy recovery.