Samoa Joe is a name that wrestling fans around the world know and love. An indie superstar who became a household name. From spells with ROH and Impact to spells in Japan and dominance in WWE. Joe has fought them all, beat them all and conquered every challenge that has come his way.
With the wrestling world starting a new phase in its continuing evolution. The forbidden door is well and truly open. Dream matches that many never thought possible are now happening week-in and week-out. Yet, Samoa Joe does not support this concept at all. In fact, talking in a recent appearance on So Catch by Hal, Joe made it very clear just how much he would like to close that door.
“I work for a company,” Joe said. “If I played for a major football club, you wouldn’t lend me out on the weekend to go play for the rival team. Messi’s ain’t doing day shifts over at Manchester United. I understand some fans want for that and they want to see that, but at the same time, just with the whole politics of that type of situation, it wouldn’t be a good outcome anyways. Nobody wants to look bad in that situation. Everyone’s getting pushed and pulled in a certain way and it becomes a convoluted mess.
Samoa Joe Doesn’t Need the Forbidden Door
There is an argument to be made that this stance of a WWE stance. However, it could just be that now, at his age he has achieved what others strive for. Joe simply doesn’t need the Forbidden Door. He has been around the world; he has fought everybody there is to fight. Not to mention being a record-setting three-time NXT champion. He has a base, and it is established.
“If guys want to show and get down with Samoa Joe, get on my level, then come find me and let’s do this. I ain’t making house calls right now.”
While for others, those hungry to get on the ladder or to make a name in the way Joe has done, the prospect of fighting on other promotions, and exposing their individual brand to new audiences is a means to obtaining that.
Either way, Samoa Joe, while steadfast in his view, still isn’t going to back down from a fight. Should anybody want to come sign for NXT he will be waiting for them.