Shawn Michaels Predicts Greatness for Dakota Kai

Shawn Michael is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. A top tier performer who gave his all every match. Known for selling moves even more the Dolph Ziggler. Now, in his (semi) retirement, Michaels plays a senior role down in NXT.

Being the teacher is a role Shawn Michaels relishes, and there is one particular NXT superstar who catches his eye. Not only for their wrestling skills but also for the way their careers have been going.

Dakota Kai has been a phenomenal performer for the yellow and gold brand. It is not surprising to hear that she has been training extensively with Shawn Michaels, given the way she is selling her opponents moves. Taking bump after bump in order to make the match and her opponent look great.

“We have an incredibly talented roster, especially our women, but look at Dakota,” Michaels says. “She’s a special one,” Michaels said when talking to in his A&E Biography this week.

Shawn Michaels Was Full of Praise for Dakota Kai

“What you see Dakota doing, I always pictured myself in that role because I wanted to Ping-Pong around the ring for my opponent,” Michaels says. “That’s one of the reasons I became who I became in the business, so watching Dakota, I am so impressed.”

There is no denying that Shawn Michaels’s influence is paying off in Kai, but there are also deep parallels to the way their careers moved. Kai’s relationship with current champion Raquel Gonzales has been drawing comparisons to the famous Michaels vs Diesel storyline in recent weeks. In both instances, the smaller superstar saw their bodyguard claim singles gold before them.

It is surely only a matter of time before Kai and Gonzales come to blows in the ring. One thing is for sure. It will be an epic match. If Shawn Michaels is to be believed, the future is looking very bright for Dakota Kai.

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