WWE Considering NXT’s Tyler Bate For A Main Roster Call-Up

NXT Superstar Tyler Bate could be a main roster Superstar soon enough as a call-up could be in the works. 

Bate has been with WWE for some time now, and the Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that he could soon be on the main roster. There has been ‘talk’ of calling up the British Superstar, and the report adds that his size isn’t considered as big a deal now with Vince McMahon no longer running WWE’s creative department. It is stated that WWE CCO Paul ‘Triple H’ Levesque is far more open-minded as to who can be a top star. 

Based on recent programming, Bate could be a SmackDown Superstar if he is called up to the main roster, as that is the current home of Butch. The pair have been both allies and enemies in WWE, and Bate was made an honorary Brawling Brute not too long ago. Butch is certainly in need of an ally right now, as he was recently abandoned by Ridge Holland and was attacked by Pretty Deadly on last week’s SmackDown. 

Bate has accomplished plenty in WWE already despite not making it to the main roster. In 2017, Bate became the first WWE United Kingdom Champion (later rechristened the NXT UK Championship). Bate was also the final holder of the title when the title was unified with the WWE NXT Championship at Worlds Collide 2022. 

Bate was also the only triple-crown champion in WWE NXT UK, having held the main championship, the NXT UK Tag Team Championships and the NXT UK Heritage Cup. In WWE NXT, he is a former NXT Tag Team Champion. 

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