WWE NXT Recap & Results (4/10)

Candice LeRae Defeated Aliyah

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Candice LeRae squared off against Aliyah on this week’s episode of NXT. Vanessa Borne was ringside for the match. Aliyah posed on the turnbuckle and demanded that the Brooklyn crowd cheer for. They decided to boo instead and LeRae connected with a Dropkick.

Borne distracted LeRae and Aliyah capitalized by slamming Candice’s face into the canvas. Aliyah followed it up with a Knee Drop as Borne cheered her on from ringside. Aliyah stomped on LeRae in the corner and hit a Neckbreaker for a near fall.

Aliyah applied a Headlock in the middle of the ring as the crowd got behind LeRae. Candice broke the hold but turned around into a big boot from Aliyah for a two count. LeRae battled with a Clothesline and followed it up with a Senton. LeRae connected with a Neckbreaker and then a Springboard Moonsault for the pinfall victory.

Jaxson Ryker Picked Up A Win

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Danny Burch battled Jaxson Ryker this week on NXT. Steve Cutler, Wesley Blake, and Oney Lorcan were ringside for the match. Ryker started off the bout in control and hit a shoulder tackle for a near fall.

Ryker connected with a Belly to Back Suplex and followed it up with a headbutt off the second turnbuckle for a two count. Burch battled back with a Jawbreaker and then a Clothesline in the corner.

Burch hopped up to the second turnbuckle and hit a Dropkick. Blake hopped up on the ring apron and Lorcan took him out with a Crossbody. Ryker connected with the Widow Maker for the pinfall victory. After the match, The Forgotten Sons beat Lorcan and Burch down.


Street Profits Outlasted Aichner & Barthel

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Street Profits faced Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner in the main event of this week’ show. Aichner drove Montez Ford to the corner of the ring to start things off. Ford battled back with a Dropkick and posed for the crowd.

Aichner bounced Ford’s face off the top turnbuckle and then beat him down in the corner. Fabian applied a Headlock in the middle of the ring as Angelo Dawkins pleaded for a tag.

Dawkins finally got the tag and immediately leveled Marcel with a Clothesline. Angelo followed it up with a Suplex to both Aichner and Barthel. Angelo connected with a Splash and then tagged Ford back in.

Aichner Clotheslined Dawkins out of the ring. Aichner and Barthel hit a double Dropkick on Ford and then Fabian planted him with a Brainbuster. Aichner followed that up with a double Springboard Moonsault but Ford was able to kick out at two.

Dawkins leveled Aichner with a Spear and then tagged into the match. Dawkins lifted Barthel up in the Electric Chair and Ford connected with a Blockbuster off the top rope. Dawkins then pinned Barthel for the victory.

It was announced that Velveteen Dream will defend the NXT North American Championship against Buddy Murphy on next week’s show.

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