Home News WWE NXT Recap & Results (6/20)

WWE NXT Recap & Results (6/20)

WWE NXT Recap & Results (6/20)
Photo Credit: WWE.com

Bianca Belair Defeated Dakota Kai

Dakota Kai faced Bianca Belair on this week’s episode of NXT. Kai connected with a boot to the face to start off the match and then went for a roll-up but Belair kicked out at one. Dakota followed it up with a running kick for a two count.

Bianca battled back and launched Kai into the top turnbuckle. Belair lifted Kai up, bounced her off the ropes and planted her with a Suplex. Belair followed it up with a Splash and then posed in the ring. Belair clubbed Kai in the midsection and locked in an Abdominal Stretch in the middle of the ring.

Belair broke the hold and connected with a Backbreaker. Bianca taunted Kai as she tried to get up and then clubbed her across the back. Belair showed off her incredible strength and took Kai on a tour around the ring while holding her up for a Vertical Suplex. Kai escaped the Suplex and then got her knees up when Belair went for a Splash.

Dakota hit an Enziguri that knocked Bianca to the canvas. Kai connected with a few more kicks to Belair’s face and followed it up with two running kicks in the corner for a near fall. Dakota dodged the hair whip but turned around into a forearm from Belair. Bianca then lifted Kai up in the Torture Rack and planted her face-first to the mat for the pinfall victory.




War Raiders Dominated TM61

War Raiders (Hanson & Rowe) faced TM61 (Nick Miller & Shane Thorne) tonight on NXT. TM61 attacked War Raiders before the match started. The match started and Rowe leveled Thorne with a Dropkick. Rowe then connected with a Belly to Belly Suplex on Miller.

Hanson tagged in and launched Rowe into Thorne in the corner of the ring. Rowe got back in and Miller shoved Hanson off the ring apron. Thorne booted Rowe in the face and tagged in Nick Miller. Miller raked at Rowe’s eyes and shoulder tackled him out of the ring. Thorne booted Rowe in the chest while he was against the barricade and threw him back into the ring.

Thorne tagged in and planted Rowe with a Neckbreaker for a two count. Shane hit Rowe with a few uppercuts in the corner and followed it up with a Dropkick. Thorne went for a Cannonball but Rowe got out of the way and tagged in Hanson.

Hanson beatdown both Thorne and Miller. Hanson even cartwheeled across the ring and Clotheslined Thorne during the beatdown. Rowe tagged in and launched Thorne in the air. Hanson caught him and planted him for a two count. Rowe launched Miller out of the ring and then kneed Thorne in the face. Hanson sprinted across the ring and dropped Miller with a Suicide Dive. Rowe tagged Hanson in and lifted Thorne in the air. Hanson climbed to the top rope and connected with a Leg Drop for the pinfall victory.


The majority of this week’s episode of NXT was devoted to recapping what went down at NXT TakeOver: Chicago this past Saturday. NXT Champion Aleister Black will be on next week’s episode.

The following interviews were shown during this week’s episode of NXT: