WWE NXT Takeover: WarGames Results & Live Coverage (11/23)

WWE NXT Takeover: WarGames 2019 took place on November 23, 2019 at the Allstate Arena near Chicago, IL.

Takeover: Wargames Kickoff Show results:

– Charly Caruso welcomes us to the pre-show from the Allstate Arena. She’s joined on the stage by Sam Roberts and Pat McAfee. They reveal that Mia Yim was attacked backstage, and doctors are evaluating her.

Isaiah “Swerve” Scott vs. Angel Garza: They trade slaps to start, and the fight quickly spills out to ringside. After brawling around the ring, Scott takes it back in the ring and slams Garza for a two count. Scott continues the offense until Garza finally breaks free and tears away his pants. They continue fighting and Garza turns it around with a big dropkick. Garza looks for a moonsault, but Scott dodges it and drops him. They fight back and forth for several moments, and Garza eventually looks for a low blow but Scott blocks it. Garza blocks a kick from Scott now, and this leads to Garza hitting the Wing Clipper in the middle for the three count.

Winner: Angel Garza

– We go to a video package looking at the Finn Balor vs. Matt Riddle feud.

– We go back to the Kickoff Show panel, where they send us to a video of Mia Yim being loaded into an ambulance. We see Rhea Ripley talking Dakota Kai into being Yim’s replacement.

NXT Takeover: WarGames results:

– The pay-per-view kicks off a video package featuring music by rapper Denzel Curry.

– Mauro Ranallo welcomes us to the Allstate Arena, and he’s joined by Nigel McGuinness and Beth Phoenix.

Women’s WarGames: Rhea Ripley, Tegan Nox, Dakota Kai, Candice LeRae vs. Shayna Baszler, Io Shirai, Bianca Belair, NXT UK Women’s Champion Kay Lee Ray: We go down to the double rings as the steel cages lower onto them. The combatants enter their cages, and Candice LeRae and Io Shirai will start this one off for their teams. The opening bell sound and they trade counters and strikes in the opening moments. Shirai fires up with some dropkicks, and Shirai smashes LeRae’s face int othe cage wall now. LeRae finally fights back with a jawbreaker. Bianca Belair enters next and unloads with strikes, followed by a standing shoting star press. LeRae fights back with a flurry of strikes, but she is overpowered and Belair hits a powerbomb. Belair follows up with another powerbomb. Belair looks for powerbomb #3 and this time she powerbombs LeRae into the cage wall.

Belair and Shirai take turns beating on LeRae until the next entrance comes in – Rhea Ripley. Rhea runs down and starts throwing weapons into the cage, then she enters. Rhea ducks a shot from Bianca and throws her into the cage wall. Ripley starts cleaning house, and Ripley and LeRae look for a double superplex on Bianca, but Shirai makes the save.

The next entrance is Ray, who brings a steel chair in with her and nails LeRae. Next Ray gives Ripley a tornado DDT into a chair. All of the women start brawling in the corner now, which leads to a pyramid superplex into a pile of weapons in the ring. Everyone crashes into the chairs except Bianca. Belair comes flying off the top next with a splash on everyone on top of the chairs.

The next entrant is Kai, but before she goes to the ring, she stops and turns around and attacks Nox on the stage. She beats down Nox inside the cage and slams the door on her injrued knee over and over. Will Regal and officials come out and struggle to regain control, but eventually Kai leaves. Kai comes back and attacks Nox again while she’s still down. We see Ripley watching and she is furious. It’s already time for the next entrant, and it’s Shayna Baszler.

Belair and Ray double team Ripley in the ring as Baszler makes her entrance. Ripley starts fighting back, but she’s outnumbered. Mauro confirms on commentary that the match has now begun and pinfalls are legal, as Nox cannot compete. Ripley and Ray start going at it, while Baszler puts LeRae in the Clutch. LeRae breaks free, but then Baszler takes LeRae out with a trash can.

Belair throws LeRae into Ripley now, then Roy hits a Gory Bomb on LeRae. Belair whips Ripley with her hair now. shirai climbs to the top of the cage. Elsewhere in the ring, LeRae hits a superhurricanrana from the top of the cage on Ray. Fans go nuts for the spot as the women continue brawling in the ring.

Ripley comes in with a steel chair and nails Baszler with it. Baszler fights back and puts her in the Clutch. Ripley appears to be handcuffing herself to Shayna now. Ripley ends up lifting up Baszler and slamming her through two unfolded chairs in the ring. Ripley immediately pins for the three count.

Winners: Team Ripley

– After the match, referees check on Ripley and Baszler and undo their handcuffs.

– We see Matt Riddle and Finn Balor in separate rooms backstage warming up for their match tonight.

– We go to a video package for tonight’s Triple Threat.

– We see WALTER, Alexander Wolfe, Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner sitting at ringside.

Pete Dunne vs. Killian Dain vs. Damian Priest: This one is a #1 contender match for the NXT Championship. The opening bell sounds and this one is fairly evenly matched in the opening moments as all three men trade strikes. Dain knocks Priest out to ringside, then Dunne takes down Dain. Priest runs back in and cleans house. Priest looks for the Razor’s Edge on Dunne, but Dain stops it. Dain gives Dunne a Michinoku Driver onto the body of Priest on the mat. After a couple pin attempts, Dain takes Priest outside and repeatedly slams him into the steel ring steps. Dain picks up both Priest and Dunne or a double fallaway slam on the floor. Back in the ring, Dain works over Dunne in the corner. Dunne starts firing back with strikes, but Priest runs in now and gets involved. Dunne takes out Priest with a kick, then Dunne heats a leaping cross armbreaker on him as he gets back up. Dain drops Dunne, then Priest gets up and they double team Dunne with a double powerbomb. Dain and Priest go at it now and they trade some big strikes. Dunne gets involved again and all three start unloading strikes in the middle of the ring. They all collide at once and all men go down, and the crowd is liking this. Priest hits a shot off the top on Dain and Dunne, then a Broken Arrow on Dunne. Priest throws Dunn outside and gives him the Razor’s Edge into the Spanish announce table. The fans go wild, then ain runs over and hits a dive on Priest at ringside. Dain follows up with a cannonball splash on Priest on the floor, then takes him back in the ring for a two count. Dain looks for a Vader Bomb, but Priest stops it at the turnbuckle. Dunne gets involved now and they all brawl down to the mat. Priest takes Dain outside, and then Dunne hits a big moonsault off the top on them down to the ringside floor. Back in the ring, after a series of counters, Dain hits an electric chair slam on Priest for a two count. Dain piles Dunne and Priest in the corner then hits a cannonball splash on them. He follows up with a Vader Bomb on Priest for a two count. Dunne nails Dine with a moonsault off the top to break up the pin. Dunne hits the Bitter End for a two count. Priest gets back up and starts working over both opponents now. They fight up to the top turnbuckle and Dunne knocks Priest down, then hits a superplex on Dain. Dunne hits the Bitter End of Priest and pins, but Dain breaks it up with a senton splash. Dain looks for a slam on Dunne, but Dunne turns it into a sleeper. They fall on top of Priest, and Dunne is able to turn this into a pin on Priest for the three count.

Winner & new #1 contender: Pete Dunne

– Mauro confirms that we will see Dunne vs. Cole at Survivor Series for the NXT Title tomorrow night.

– Team Ciampa is shown backstage preparing for their match tonight.

– We go to a video package looking at the feud between Balor and Riddle.

Matt Riddle vs. Finn Balor: Riddle is aggressive off the opening bell but Balor is able to fend off his tkwodnw. They lock up and Riddle applies some submission attempts early on. They trade counters and roll-ups on the mat until Balor connects with a basement dropkick. Balor follows up with more strikes and the former Universal Champion controls the next several moments of the match. Riddle blocks a shot and hits the Bro-ton for a two count. Riddle and Balor trade strikes now until Riddle latches on to his leg for an ankle lock. Balor gets a rope break. Riddle connects with kicks, but Balor fires back with a dropkick. Balor hits a German suplex, but Riddle no sells it and hits a knee strike to the face. Riddle hits a German of his own for a two count. They trade strikes until Balor drops Riddle with the Sling Blade. Balor hits the 1916 for a two count. Riddle fights back and hits the Bro 2 Sleep. Riddle goes up top and looks for the Floating Bro, but Balor blocks it with his knees. Balor takes control and looks for the Coup De Grace, but Riddle moves. Riddle applies the Bro-mission, but Balor escapes. They trade strikes until Balor blocks a shot and hits the 1916 agin for the three count.

Winner: Finn Balor

– We see rapper Denzel Curry sitting at ringside, who made tonight’s theme song.

– The announcers inform us about Mia Yim and Tegan Nox both suffering injuries tonight. We’re told they’re both being taken to local medical facilities now.

– We’re told Rhea Ripley will appear on Triple H’s post-Takeover Facebook stream. They will reveal Team NXT members for Survivor Series.

– The sirens go off and the cages lower around the ring for the Men’s Wargames.

Men’s WarGames: Adam Cole, Roderick Strong, Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly vs. Tommaso Ciampa, Keith Lee, Dominik Dijakovic, and ???: Ciampa and Strong will start this one off. Ciampa’s fourth partner has still not yet been revealed. Ciampa attacks off the opening bell and lays into Strong with strikes. Strong fires back and turns the tide in the corner. They go back and forth fairly evenly until O’Reilly enters the match next.

O’Reilly hits the ring, and he and Strong beat down Ciampa unti it’s Dominik Dijakovic’s turn to enter. Dijakovic hits the ring and even the odds now as he lays out Kyle and Strong. Dijakovic cleans house and then helps Ciampa back to his feet. Ciampa goes at it with Strong again while Dijakovic works over Kyle.

Fish enters the match next and The Era dominatest he action for the never several moments. Lee enters next and he cleans house. Lee leapfrogs the Tag Champs and then takes them out with a double crossbody. Lee starts throwing people out to ringside. Strong, Kyle and Fish all team up on Lee until Ciampa runs over to even the odds. They end up dropping Ciampa. Dijakovic gets involved now and takes out Strong.

The timer runs out and Adam Cole neters next. Adam Cole sets up a table at ringside before going in the ring. The Era dominates the next several moments of the match as Cole conitnues setting up tables. Cole goes to get back in the ring, but Ciampa takes the opportunity to knock Cole out to ringside, and Cole crashes through a table.

There’s a stand off between the two teams in the ring now and they start brawling. Fish hits a low blow on Lee and the fans boo. The Era takes control now.

The timer counts down, and there is a delay, but then Kevin Owens comes out to a huge pop from the fans. Owens hits the rings and starts cleaning house. Owens tells Cole to “suck it” then he gives him the Stunner. Strong breaks up the pin.

The two teams brawl back and forth, and they start piling up near a turnbuckle. Kyle and Fish take out Lee, then Cole starts climbing the cage. Ciampa follows him up the cage. Dijakovic runs over and puts Strong through a table. O’Reilly puts Dijakovic in a submission, but Dijakovic fights out. HE puts Kyle on a table, then Owens comes flying off the top to put Kyle through the table with a frogsplash. Lee then powerbombs Fish through another table.

We see Cole and Ciampa brawling at the top of the cage now. Ciampa ends up taking Cole off the top of the cage through a table, and the ref immediately counts the three count.

Winners: Team Ciampa

– We see Ciampa’s girlfriend looking worried at ringside after the spot off the cage. We get views of the various wrestlers laid out all over the WarGames structure. Team Ciampa is up to their feet first and they embrace in the ring. We go to replays as Mauro hypes up Sunday’s Survivo Series. Team Ciampa celebrates in the ring as Takeover: WarGames 2019 goes off the air.

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