WWE United Kingdom Champion Pete Dunne has been confirmed as the next challenger to the OTT Wrestling Gender Neutral Championship when he faces current Champion ‘Session Moth’ Martina on March 3rd from The Arena in Suir Road, Dublin.
OTT first introduced the Gender Neutral title (the first of its kind) back in 2017, ‘Session Moth’ Martina was crowned the first ever Champion at OTT’s Being The Elite event and has successfully defended her title twice in multiple person matches against the likes of Adam Maxted, Charlie Sterling, Angel Cruz and Chuck Taylor.
Martina is one of the most unique stars in the UK/Ireland and she has been demanding a match with the WWE Superstar ever since we was crowned GN Champion, this bout is set to turn a few heads in the UK scene and push the Championship even further into the spotlight.
Gender Neutral Championship
BoozerWeight Martina Vs WWEUK Champion, BruiserWeight Pete Dunne
March 3rd, The Arena Suir Road Dublin
Ticketshttps://t.co/XfaVHfCrm0 #OTT #OnlyTheBest pic.twitter.com/nLlTTlTy4P— OTT WRESTLING (@OTT_wrestling) February 7, 2018