Petition To Remove Wrestling From YouTube’s “Offensive Content” List

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A petition to remove pro-wrestling from YouTube’s offensive content list is gaining traction. So far over 2000 people have signed.

Last March, YouTube responded to advertisers complaints that their ads were running over offensive content, such as hate speech or other offensive content. Somehow, pro-wrestling got grouped in with offensive content. As a result, many pro-wrestling YouTube channels have taken a hit financially.

It is believed YouTube is still tweaking their policy however, which makes the current petition all the more important.

Lost Revenue for WCPW and “Being the Elite”

The change in YouTube’s policy greatly reduced the amount of revenue earned by What Culture Pro-Wrestling, leading to the cancellation of several tapings for their YouTube shows. The Young Bucks have also expressed the policy has caused their revenue to “take a beating” from “Being the Elite”.

Similar wrestling channels on YouTube have also been hurt by the move. There is also a worry that such policies set a dangerous precedent regarding the value of pro-wrestling content to advertisers.

You can sign the petition here.


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