– With WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart returning to the scene of the Montreal Screwjob for the first time in 15 years on Monday’s WWE RAW, WWE is encouraging fans to tweet their favorite Bret Hart memories with the hashtag #BretMemories. WWE will select some of the tweets and feature them on the new WWE app.
– We reported earlier this week that WWE has big plans for the new Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara tag team, with the duo slated to win the WWE tag titles, break up and then eventually wrestle at WrestleMania 29.
The latest on this situation is that Rey Mysterio would likely play the heel in this feud, despite some resistance from several people in management. Mysterio is in the twilight of his career, a legend and still moves a ton of merchandise, but the feeling is that Sin Cara has a better chance of getting over as a babyface.