Reby Hardy, wife of Matt and mother of King Maxel, tweeted the following on Monday afternoon regarding the reports that Matt and Jeff Hardy are leaving Impact Wrestling.
Reby speaks about TNA in the past tense (“was”) and implies that negative changes and “straight f*ckery” led the House of Hardy to pursue greener pastures.
I've said it many times:
TNA was the perfect situation for our family & how grateful I was for professionalism/open communication/respect…— Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) February 27, 2017
…Now think about what kinda negative changes & straight fuckery would have to go down for us to leave ?
— Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) February 27, 2017
There’s a lot of speculation this week that Matt and Jeff Hardy are done with TNA and headed to WWE. Reby Sky’s comment above corroborates Dave Meltzer saying that TNA’s new ownership and management threw a wrench in Matt’s TNA negotiations.
Earlier today, Matt Hardy tweeted:
It shall be an INTRIGUING week for the professional wrestling industry.
— REBORN by FATE (@MATTHARDYBRAND) February 27, 2017