Home News Recently Released Wrestler Critical Of WWE, Lilian Update, More

Recently Released Wrestler Critical Of WWE, Lilian Update, More


— Recently released WWE grappler Eric Escobar, who has since resurfaced in Puerto Rico, recently cut a promo on television knocking his former employer, describing the company as “disorganized” behind-the-scenes. He also said he wasn’t told he would be paired with Vickie Guerrero on television as her new boyfriend until John Cena told him.

The former SmackDown Superstar equated WWE to a home where the mother wanted one thing, the father wanted something else, and the kids wanting another thing.

Apparently saving face, he later said in the following promo that he left the company on good terms with the door open for a return.

— Lilian Garcia will be appearing on The Special Delivery Show on XM 202/Sirius 197 Saturday night at around 9:45 p.m. Visit www.SpecialDeliveryShow.com for more information.

In other Garcia news, the former WWE ring announcer recently took part in a photo shoot for NOH8, an organization in favor of equal rights marriages. Her photo was released this past week at the following link.

— WWE Hall of Famer “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, who was arrested on suspicion of DUI last July in Los Angeles, has since had the charge expunged.