On Saturday it was announced that TNA will be holding more TV tapings in June, and that their Saturday morning replay has been cancelled by Pop TV. The news comes amid reports that TNA is having trouble paying their staff. PWTorch.com reports that TNA is currently behind on pay with their production crew, with some workers being owed money from as far back as March and January.
There were several reports of late pay in the last year, including the company reportedly owing Bobby Roode and Eric Young over six-figures. There’s belief within the company that Aroluxe Marketing has been loaning TNA money so they could continue taping Impact Wrestling. PWTorch.com claims some TNA production staff have been told they will be replaced at next month’s taping.
Dixie Carter is still currently looking for an investor so she can remain in control of the company. As reported earlier this month there are three possible investors who would all want to take control of the company from Dixie. TNA moving their offices into the ShopTNA warehouse in a cost-cutting move may look good in an investor presentation, but workers leaving without being paid would not.
TNA’s recent contract re-signings are believed to have been done to impress potential investors. As noted earlier this month Dave Meltzer reported that TNA had asked their talent to tweet about how backstage morale is fine, in order to combat stories online. Meltzer says one TNA talent told him morale is “the worst ever” for people who’ve been with the company a long time.
SO proud of the entire @IMPACTWRESTLING team, with special love to our KO locker room, for an incredible work ethic & high morale this week!
— Madison Rayne (@MadisonRayne) April 25, 2016
Finishing up a great first night of @IMPACTWRESTLING tapings in Orlando. Morale = high. Sorry haters.
— Bob Ryder (@brydertna) April 22, 2016
Great week. Everyone leaves the bullshit they hear/read at home & GO TO WORK. #LowMorale has become a joke & @IMPACTWRESTLING moves on.
— Josh Mathews (@realjoshmathews) April 25, 2016