RetroMania Wrestling Releasing Friday, First DLC Announced

RetroMania Wrestling

RetroMania Wrestling is the highly anticipated sequel to the beloved WWF arcade game, WrestleFest. The game is scheduled for release this Friday, February 26th for PC Steam. (Purchase Here)

The Nintendo Switch console version will be out soon following a slight delay. Developer Retrosoft Studio says there were some last-minute bug fixes and the game is now in the certification process. PS4 and Xbox One players will also be able to purchase the game in the near future.

Retrosoft has announced the first DLC characters that will be available for RetroMania Wrestling. They include:

  • “Cowboy” James Storm
  • Mr. Hughes
  • Chris Bey of Impact Wrestling

Storm & Hughes will be on sale for a small fee, while Chris Bey is a free bonus character. More DLC content will be announced in the months ahead.

Discussion: Will you be playing RetroMania Wrestling?