Home News Ric Flair Talks About His Relationships With Hogan & Hart

Ric Flair Talks About His Relationships With Hogan & Hart


Ric Flair was recently interviewed by Sport.co.uk to promote TNA’s tour of the UK in January 2011. Flair spoke about a number of topics, including his turbulent relationships with Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart. Here are some highlights of what Flair said about:

His Relationship With Bret Hart: “I haven’t seen him or talked to him, but that’s not my problem. I’m not mad at Bret, I just said what I thought. I thought that the tragedy of Owen Hart was completely different to what happened in Montreal. When the two became intertwined again, I thought that was in really poor taste. What happened to Owen Hart was a tragic accident and no one’s fault, but once again the first thing that came up again was Montreal. What happened in Kansas City with Owen has nothing to do with Montreal, but it just rolled into the whole thing again. That’s what I said that made Bret mad.

I thought the focus should have been on Owen, not go back and talk about Montreal but that’s what surfaced again, as fast as the Kansas City thing happened. Everybody knows that I just wasn’t afraid to say anything about it. How could he get mad at Vince McMahon? Nobody made Owen go up there, he wanted to do it. It was a tragic, tragic moment and someone’s life was lost, but it certainly wasn’t because Vince McMahon made him go up there and jump, and it had nothing to do with Montreal.”

His Relationship With Hulk Hogan: “It’s good. We agree to disagree, that is all we’ll ever be. It is all business. It has always been magic, there is always going to be interest. If he could wrestle right now it would be limitless what we could do. Until he resolves his health issues we can’t, it is definitely in his heart to wrestle, but he just physically is hurting really bad right now. Hopefully surgery can fix that over the next few months. He would definitely love to be in the ring every night.”

What’s Left For Him To Achieve in Wrestling: “I don’t think there is anything left for me to achieve, it is just up to me to maintain that high level of work rate. I’m back in that role now where people expect me to work hard and stay in great physical shape. You never know when you’re going to have do something in the ring. I’m tired of working out every day, that is a true story, I’m tired of it, but I will keep doing it because I am motivated and there will be a day where I won’t be able to wrestle again. I love it though, it is the most fun I have had in years.”