Ric Flair Talks Coming Out Of Retirement, HBK’s Retirement

TNA star Ric Flair recently spoke to Minnesota’s Duluth News Tribune to promote an upcoming TNA live event in the region. Here are some highlights of what the Nature Boy said about:

Retiring At WrestleMania 24: “I don’t know what I thought at the time. Remember that it was WWE that decided to retire Ric Flair. Obviously it was very emotional for myself, Shawn, and my fans. It is not easy to do this for as long as I have and then all of a sudden quit because the company you work for tells you to. I’m not bashing WWE as I have great respect for the group. I believe that the whole set up was beautiful and they did a great job with the hall of fame ceremony and the goodbye on Raw afterward. But I am not ready to sit at home and build a garden. I feel great, I work hard, and I am ready to keep going.”

Coming Out Of Retirement: “The athlete in question is the only person that truly knows if they are ready to retire. No one else .. The only one that truly will know the right time to stop is myself .. I was provided a unique opportunity and had a blast going to Australia. I feel I have a lot more to offer and that is what I am doing. I love TNA and feel that they have the right tools to be something huge. I am having just as much fun now as I did in the ’80s and that is saying something.”

Shawn Michaels’ Retirement: “I think Shawn definitely wants to be a family man and be home with his wife. I do, however, feel that he will have a return match at a pay per view sometime down the line.”

How Much He Is Like His On-Air Character: “Enough to give my attorney a few sleepless nights.”


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