Home News Ring Of Honor Television Results 9/17

Ring Of Honor Television Results 9/17

Ring Of Honor Television Results 9/17

Last night’s episode of Ring of Honor was the first to air from the promotion’s August 25th tapings in Philadelphia. ROH TV begins airing over the weekend on various networks and is posted to Honor Club on Mondays.

ROH TV Results 9/17

Jay Lethal Promo

ROH World Champion Jay Lethal started the show off with an in-ring promo. He talked about how much he loved his match with Jonathan Gresham last week. Lethal defeated Gresham in a 30-minute Ironman match 2:1 in a 5-minute overtime period.

Lethal said he wants to have more matches like that. He then issued a “Lethal Challenge” to not only the ROH locker room but any wrestler around the world to face him.

His challenge was immediately accepted by Will Osprey via video on the big screen. Lethal accepted and the match has now been made official for September 28th, 2018 at Death Before Dishonor.

Sumai Sakai defeated Tasha Steelz
(Proving Ground Match)

Brandi Rhodes joined the commentary team for this match. In any proving ground match if the non-champion can defeat the champion they earn a title shot.

Sakai took the victory with Smash Mouth, however, meaning Steelz doesn’t earn a title shot. Rhodes brought up how Sakai’s Smash Mouth is similar to the Cross Rhodes.

After the match, Sumai Sakai cut a promo which was interrupted by Tenille Dashwood. She told Sakai she respected her and what she’s done for Women of Honor. Dashwood also said, however, that she wants to take the WOH title from around her waist. It was then made official that Dashwood will challenge Sumai Sakai for the WOH Championship at Death Before Dishonor.

Jonathan Gresham Promo

Ian Riccaboni was interviewing Jonathan Gresham when Bully Ray interrupted. Bully ordered Ian out of the ring but Gresham confronted him. Gresham and Bully went back and forth with Gresham saying D-Von carried Bully for years. Bully then said Gresham was a nobody. Gresham then said if he can beat him, Bully needs to shake his hand. An impromptu match was then scheduled.

Jonathan Gresham defeated Bully Ray via DQ

As soon as the bell rang, Bully kicked Gresham in the groin to cause the DQ. Bully then shook Gresham’s hand and continued to beat him up with his chain. Flip Gordon then made the save but Bully was able to get the better of him. That brought out ROH World Champion Jay Lethal who was able to get the better of Bully only for Silas Young to make the save for Bully.

The commentary team wondered why Silas would make the save for Bully after Bully abandoned Young in a tag match recently. Young then left the ring without celebrating with Bully.

SCU defeated The Briscoes & Punishment Martinez

Chris Sabin was on commentary as he will take on Martinez for the ROH TV title at Death Before Dishonor. The commentary team also mentioned how SCU’s contracts are up after Final Battle in December and they will need to hold championships come that time or Joe Koff will simply let them leave.

The match came unglued when Jay Briscoe hit the referee with a chair. The Briscoes and Martinez then took it to their opponents, taking out all 3 members with chairs. Sabin then came out to make the save and he and Punishment Martinez battled to the back. With Martinez gone, SCU hit the “Best Meltzer Ever” on Mark Briscoe for the win.

Next week:

  • Silas Young and Bully Ray vs Jonathan Gresham and Jay Lethal
  • Adam Page vs Kenny King
  • The Briscoes vs the Addiction
  • Update on the Top Prospects Tournament