Home News Ring of Honor Title On The Line at Rev Pro ‘Uprising’ Event

Ring of Honor Title On The Line at Rev Pro ‘Uprising’ Event

Ring of Honor Title On The Line at Rev Pro ‘Uprising’ Event

Top UK independent promotion Rev Pro has announced a huge ROH Title match as part of their upcoming ‘Uprising’ event on Friday December 8th.

Fans of ROH will know that Cody is due to defend his title against Dalton Castle in the main event of Final Battle, Rev Pro has clarified how this match could massively affect that bout:

“In a world championship clash which will have huge ramifications for ROH’s biggest show of the year Cody will put his gold on the line against ROH’s franchise and former heavyweight Champion Jay Lethal at Friday December 8th’s ‘Uprising’. 

To ensure that Dalton Castle gets his contracted championship match at Final Battle, should Lethal be victorious then two scheduled matches would become one as the Final Battle main event would turn into a 4 way.”