Home News Ring Of Honor TV Results – July 1, 2015

Ring Of Honor TV Results – July 1, 2015


Ring of Honor TV
Taped May 12-13 in Philadelphia, Pa. at 2300 Arena
Aired July 1 on Destination America and previously in ROH syndication
Report by Jason Powell and ProWrestling.net

The opening montage aired… Kevin Kelly and Steve Corino checked in on commentary… “The Addiction” team of Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian headed to the ring. They want to be known as the world tag team champions of the world. Kazuchika Okada and Gedo made their entrance to a positive response and the streamer treatment…

1. ROH Tag Team Champions Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian vs. Kazuchika Okada and Gedo. Red Shoes from New Japan Pro Wrestling was the referee. The tag champs got the better of Gedo heading into the break. [C] Gedo continued to be isolated by Daniels and Kazarian coming out of the break.

[Q2] Gedo made the tag to Okada, who threw running elbows at Daniels and received a good reaction whenever he looked to the crowd. Okada knocked Daniels off the ring apron and then got a near fall on Kazarian. Okada set up for a tombstone, but Daniels broke it up with a kick.

Okada got the better of Daniels and Kazarian, then did a double cross body block spot with Kazarian. Okada tagged in Gedo, who worked over both tag champs and blasted Daniels with a superkick for a two count. Daniels caught Gedo with a uranage, but Gedo dodged the BME and Daniels landed on his feet. A short time later, Daniels and Kazarian hit Celebrity Rehab on Gedo and pinned him. After the match, Okada threw a beautiful dropkick and followed it with a Rainmaker clothesline on Daniels… [C]

Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian defeated Kazuchika Okada and Gedo.

2. Takaaki Watanabe vs. Adam Page (w/Colby Corino). The match was joined in progress. Kelly asked Corino about Colby’s decision to work with Page and Whitmer. He said Colby had a chance to work in the ROH or NJPW dojos due to the family connections, but he chose this path and as a father it’s heart breaking. The fans popped for Watanabe’s German suplex and he played to them as they chanted “one more time.”

Watanabe ran the ropes and was tripped by Colby. They had to blur out fans at ringside who were apparently flipping off Colby or something. Watanabe followed and performed a wicked German suplex on Colby. Kelly asked if Corino wanted to check on his son, but Corino was quiet. [C]

Page was the aggressor coming out of the break and performed a nice power slam. Watanabe regained control and went for a German suplex at ringside. Page landed on his feet. Colby pulled Watanabe into the ring post, then Page performed a shooting star press off the ring apron. Back inside the ring, Page performed a DDT for a two count.

[Q3] Later, Watanabe performed a suplex off the ropes and then covered Page for two. Watanabe missed a clothesline and then rolled up Page, who kicked out. Watanabe’s momentum carried him into the ropes, where Colby caught him with a kick. Page performed the Rite of Passage finisher and got the win…

Adam Page beat Takaaki Watanabe.

A graphic hyped A.J. Styles vs. Adam Cole as the main event… [C] A Best in the World commercial aired for replay buys…

Ring entrances for the main event took place…

3. IWGP Champion A.J. Styles vs. Adam Cole. NJPW’s Tiger Hattori was the referee. Cole and Styles shook hands before the match, but Cole grabbed Styles’ hand and spat on it. The broadcast team spoke about Cole returning from injury and said he had been mysterious throughout his time out of the ring. Styles was in control heading into the break… [C] Cole took control coming out of the break and taunted the crowd by taking a bow.

[Q4] Kelly credited Cole with controlling the pace and wearing down Styles as Cole held a headlock. Cole ran Styles into the corner, then walked over and spat near the broadcast table. Cole also flipped off the fans and it was censored. Kelly and Corino debated over which one of them has the heat with Cole.

In the ring, Styles performed a torture rack into a spinning powerbomb for a two count. Cole came back with a suplex onto his knee for a two count. Later, Styles performed a suplex on the ring apron. Kelly promised “more highlights of this awesome encounter when we get back.” [C]

After the break, both men were trading punches. The broadcast team noted that Cole was favoriting his bad arm. Cole connected with a kick, dodged a Pele kick, and then connected with a superkick for a good near fall. The announcers said they’d never seen Styles miss a Pele kick.

A short time later, Cole performed the Styles Clash on Styles for another good two count. Kelly noted that Styles had been hit with his own move. Styles missed a Pele Kick off the second rope and Cole dropped him with another superkick. Cole ran at Styles, who caught him and set up for his finisher, but Cole kicked his way free.

Styles finally connected with a Pele kick and then performed a pair of piledrivers and the Styles Clash for the win. After the match, Cole held his arm in the corner as Styles looked down at him. Styles picked Cole up. Styles jawed at Cole, who eventually offered him a handshake. Styles didn’t accept, so Cole grabbed Styles hand and shook his hand. Kelly said you could see these matches in their entirety at the ROH website, then hyped the fallout from Best in the World for next week.