Home News Ring Of Honor TV Results – July 29th, 2015

Ring Of Honor TV Results – July 29th, 2015


This week’s edition of Ring of Honor TV was taped on June 27 in New York, New York at Terminal 5 and aired last night on Destination America.

Below are the results for this week’s show:

Matt Taven and Michael Bennett (w/Maria) defeated Corey Hollis and Jonathan Gresham

Moose (w/Stokley Hathaway) defeated Dalton Castle (w/The Boys), Silas Young, Caprice Coleman, Cheeseburger and Brutal Bob Evans in a Six-Man Mayhem match

BJ Whitmer, Adam Page, and Colby Corino made their way out to the ring, Whitmer told Colby how he looked at himself now as the father that Colby never had, upsetting Steve Cornio at ringside.

Whitmer revealed that as a gift, Colby would compete in a gauntlet match against four wrestlers he had found at the ROH tryout camp.

This brought out Jaheem Ali, Wildman Kongo, The Beast Ortiz, and The Punishment Martinez but before the match could start Steve Corino got into the ring ready to fight before Nigel McGuinness got inbetween them as Kevin Kelly cut to a commercial break.

Bobby Fish defeated ACH after hitting him with superplex into a slam to get the pin

If you don’t have access to Destination America, you can check out Ring of Honor TV on the official website by clicking on this link.