Ring Of Honor TV Results
Taped at Ted Reeve arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Aired on June 25, 2015 on Destination America
Report by ProWrestling.net
[Q1] The opening montage aired… A graphic touted the replay of the Best in the World 2015 pay-per-view… The broadcast team of Kevin Kelly, Steve Corino, and Nigel McGuinness spoke at ringside about BITW being in the rearview mirror without getting into any specifics since this show was taped long before the June 19 pay-per-view…
1. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Roderick Strong. Nakamura was over huge and he shook hands with Strong before the match. The “ROH On Tour” graphic listed upcoming dates as the match got underway. Nakamura controlled the bulk of the early offense. He took Strong to ringside and threw him over the barricade, then pulled him back over heading into the break. [C]
Coming out of the break, Strong and Nakamura traded blows in mid-ring. Nakamura got the better of it by knocking Strong down with a shot, but Strong got up and tagged Nakamura with a shot of his own. String performed a couple of running knees and then performed a double knee to the back of Nakamura for a two count. Strong set up for the Strong Hold, but Nakamura countered into a sleeper. Strong got back to his feet, but Nakamura put him down with a backstabber. Strong came back and targeted the lower back of Nakamura and got a two count.
[Q2] Nakamura came back with a leap off the second rope and a knee to the head of Strong. Roddy came back with another double knee gut buster. He applied the Strong Hold a short time later, but Nakamura reached the ropes to break the hold. Strong came back with a clothesline and a brainbuster for a very good near fall. Strong continued his offensive flurry with a big knee, but Nakamura caught a charging Strong with a kick and then pinned him clean…
Shinsuke Nakamura defeated Roderick Strong.
2. Michael Elgin vs Gedo. Elgin and Gedo shook hands before the bell. Elgin ducked a charging Gedo and then powered out of his go behind waist lock. Strong held up Gedo for a long standing suplex and got a two count. Strong missed a flip off the second rope when Gedo moved. Gedo used striking to get a two count. Elgin came back with a buckle bomb and then performed a powerbomb to get the clean win…
Michael Elgin defeated Gedo.
Kelly hyped the main event heading into the break…
[Q3] [C] Mandy Leon hosted the Inside ROH segment and focussed on the ROH and New Japan Pro Wrestling relationship… Ring entrances for the main event took place… [C]
3. A.J. Styles and The Young Bucks (w/Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson) vs. Kazuchika Okada, Rocky Romero, and Trent Berretta. Kelly said the goal of The Bullet Club members was to soften up Okada heading into his match with Styles in Japan. Styles and The Bucks isolated Berretta in their corner throughout the opening minutes of the match.
[Q4] [C] Berretta made a tag to Romero, who eventually tagged in Okada at the same time Styles was in the ring. Okada got the better of Styles while they were in the ring together. The Vice members worked over Matt Jackson and performed a knee to the head into a Doomsday Device on the floor. Crazy.
Styles and Okada ended up going at it in the ring again. Styles went for the Styles Clash, but Okada countered into a tombstone, which was really cool. Later, Styles and The Bucks ended up working over Romero. Berretta made a blind tag and broke up More Bang For Your Buck. Okada and the Vice members performed rapid fire moves on Matt Jackson, but Styles hit Okada with a springboard forearm. Styles had Berretta up for a Styles Clash, but Okada broke it up.
The fans chanted “this is awesome” as all six men recovered form the previous sequence. They all traded shots, and Styles and The Bucks hit simultaneous superkicks. Okada fought all three men until they hit him with a combined double superkick and Pele Kick. Styles and The Bucks teamed up for the Meltzer Driver. Styles held him up in Styles Clash position, the Bucks performed a double superkick on Berretta, and then Styles performed the Styles Clash and pinned him…
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