Ring of Honor Weekly TV Report: Las Vegas Wild Card Match

roh ring of honor
Ring of Honor TV
Episode 291
Las Vegas, NV


1. Caprice Coleman w/Kenny King (the Rebellion) vs. Chris Sabin (Seek and Destroy)

With the Rebellion having been responsible for Alex Shelley being put on the injured list, Sabin was looking for revenge in this singles match against Coleman. Lio Rush came down to ringside to counter Kenny King’s attempts to interfere.
The finish of the match came when Sabin went for a sunset flip, Kenny King attempted to interfere but Lio Rush kicked him away. Sabin rolled up Coleman for 3. It was the exact finish from the Peyton Royce & Billy Kay match on NXT this week.
Winner: Chris Sabin

2. Roppongi Vice (Rocky Romero & Beretta) vs. Cheeseburger and Will Ferrara

The story being told by commentary on this match was that if Cheeseburger and Ferrara could defeat Roppongi Vice they would be in line for the IWGP jr heavyweight titles in Japan due to RV’s history with those belts.
They didn’t win however, Roppongi Vice won the match with their Strong Zero spiked piledriver.
After the match Ferrara didn’t want to shake hands and seemed to be angry with Cheeseburger, so there is some dissension brewing on that team.
Winner: Roppongi Vice

3. Jay White, Jay Lethal, Silas Young & Hangman Page vs. Colt Cabana, Lio Rush, Bobby Fish & Hanson

This was the wild card 8-man tag, where each team was drafted at random. The winning team will face each other at a later event in a 4-way match to determine a new #1 contender for world champion Christopher Daniels.
Page refused to accept a tag from Lethal and left his team near the end of the match. He was jumped by Kazarian on the stage area as he did so, so their feud continues.
Lethal and Rush ended up being the final two in the ring and Lethal hit the Lethal Combination for the win.
Winners: White, Lethal, Young and Page (face each other to determine new #1 contender)

Here is yesterday’s Ring of Honor update with Ian Riccaboni: