Road Dogg: CM Punk is More Sports Entertainer Than Pro Wrestler

Is CM Punk the best wrestler in the world as he claimed during his iconic June 2011 Raw pipebomb?

Perhaps, perhaps not. But he’s a darn fine ‘Sports Entertainer.’

Punk has been a huge topic of discussion ever since his actions following last September’s All Out 2022 event, and he has been suspended ever since.

Sports Entertainer

Punk has often credited himself as a professional wrestler, and during his 2011 pipebomb spoke about ‘sports entertainers’ like The Rock and John Cena.

Oh his Oh You Didn’t Know podcast, ‘Road Dogg’ Jesse James admitted that Punk is a great wrestler, but believes that the Sports Entertainer label fits him better. He added:

“Punk’s a great example of a guy that if you just went with wrestler, wrestler, wrestler, wouldn’t have made it without the attitude, mic skills and I don’t want to say character because Punk was never really a character, he was just himself, but he’s good at it.”

‘Road Dogg’ Jesse James.

CM Punk’s Future

Punk’s future with AEW remains uncertain, with Tony Khan refusing any and all requests for comment on the former World Champion’s situation.

It has been reported that some top names in AEW have refused to work with Punk if he is brought back, and that Chris Jericho is one of them.

Things are not looking better for Punk in WWE, with reports that some in the company absolutely do not want him to return.

The belief is that Punk (who walked out of WWE in 2014 on bad terms) will only bring the problems seen in AEW if he is rehired.

h/t – Wrestling Inc

Posted January 26th, 2023 in AEW, News. Tagged: , .

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