ROH Apologizes for Supercard of Honor Streaming Issues, Offers Merch Discounts

supercard of honor

Many Ring of Honor fans attempted to log in to their Honor Club accounts to watch Supercard of Honor XII this weekend. Unfortunately, the demand was so great that some fans were unable to login to their accounts during the live show.

ROH has sent out an apology to fans who experienced these issues and are offering discounts at their pro shop as a result.

Ring of Honor Streaming Issues

The company’s streaming service only launched earlier this year. While there were some launch day problems, the service has been generally well-reviewed. Not only are ROH PPVs available on Honor Club but all of the company’s non-televised shows as well.

“It is with regret that we continued to face issues with our stream at Supercard of Honor,” the company wrote on their website.

ROH also went into great detail regarding the cause of their streaming problems:

“The current belief is that a bug in the app caused certain IPs to infinitely and rapidly ping the servers with requests, leading to failure even as resources were added. This doesn’t change that it is ultimately our responsibility to deliver what you deserve and we will not stop improving until you get that and more.”

The full statement can be read here.


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