Chris Sabin Talks Future Of The Motor City Machine Guns, Pursuing ROH TV Title

Chris Sabin has a goal in mind heading into the ROH Death Before Dishonor pay-per-view event at the Orleans Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada that takes place this Friday (September 28th) as he is slated to challenge Punishment Martinez for the Ring of Honor TV Championship.

The former TNA World Champion spoke with Chris Featherstone of to discuss his opportunity at winning some ROH gold. He stated that if he wins the title then he can say that he’s at least the second best wrestler in Ring of Honor as the World Champion is obviously number one, but he can confidently say that he’s second best.

He hopes to win the title and if so then he is hopeful that it comes with some control over television, at least some influence. “You know, I’d bring back shows like The Office, make sure Michael Scott is in it, and you know, maybe have one more Saved by the Bell reunion or something. Who knows? Hopefully, I attain those powers.”

The Future Of The Motor City Machine Guns

Sabin stated that just for the foreseeable future, the tag team that he created with Alex Shelley is pretty much done. He made it clear that they are still friends outside of pro wrestling and thinks he’s going to be on his own and has been for quite a while now. He added, “I don’t see the Motor City Machine Guns reunited anytime soon.”

Posted September 28th, 2018 in ROH, News. Tagged: .

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