It’s been an interesting few months for Cody. The 32-year-old has been engaged in one of the more unique storylines in wrestling with Kenny Omega and has been working on organizing a show in a 10,000 seat arena for September.
He has also taken the time to comment publicly on gun issues and the potential mild irony of him doing so while also claiming to be the leader of Bullet Club.
Bullet Club leader, handgun owner, rifle owner…I'm all those things.
BUT I'd gladly take part in gun safety courses/do a mental evaluation/and register ANNUALLY. Those types of common sense regulations plus bans on a great many semi & fully automatic guns is what we need.
— Cody Rhodes (@CodyRhodes) February 22, 2018
Cody Leader of Bullet Club
Cody has subtly referred to himself as the leader of Bullet Club multiple times throughout his angle with Kenny Omega. He has changed the bio on his Twitter profile page so that it lists him as leader of the faction. This despite no other Bullet Club member recognizing him as such.
I love America. There's no better place. It's disappointing the only voices that get heard on this topic are extreme "ban all" or "my rights to bear arms"…I think most Americans want sensible new policy in place. Genuine common sense gun reform.
— Cody Rhodes (@CodyRhodes) February 22, 2018