Ring of Honor has a new world champion. PCO defeated Rush last night in the main event of Final Battle 2019. The final event of ROH’s calendar year climaxed with the 51-year-old’s title win, becoming the oldest wrestler ever to hold the title.
PCO’s title win was the 3rd title change which took place last night on the card from Baltimore. Jay Lethal & Jonathan Gresham won the tag titles and Dragon Lee became the new ROH TV champion as well.
Final Battle 2019 Results
- Bandido & Flamita defeated Villain Enterprises (Flip Gordon & Marty Scurll)
- Vincent defeated Matt Taven
- Mark Haskins (w/Vicky Haskins) defeated Bully Ray
- Alex Shelley defeated Colt Cabana
- Maria Manic defeated Angelina Love (w/Mandy Leon)
- ROH World Television Title Match
Dragon Lee defeated Shane Taylor (c) – New Champion - ROH Tag Team Championships
Jay Lethal & Jonathan Gresham defeated The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) (c) – New Champion - ROH World Championship
PCO defeated Rush (c) – New Champion
PCO Championship Statistics
- 3x WWF Tag Team Champion (w/ Quebecer Jaques)
- WCW Hardcore Champion 1x
- NWA Tag Team Champion 1x w/Brody King
- Crocket Cup 2019 Winner w/Brody King
- ROH 6-Man Tag Team Championship (1x, current, w/Marty Scurll & Brody King)
- ROH Tag Team Championship (1x w/Brody King)
- ROH World Champion (1x)