Ring of Honor TV
airdate: May 1st 2017 (Fite App)
Baltimore, MD
1. Coast to Coast (Shaheem Ali & LSG) vs. the Kingdom (Matt Taven & Vinny Marseglia)
They announced on commentary before the match that the winners would face the tag team champions in New York at the War of the Worlds show.
Taven hit a reverse DDT on Ali, followed by a senton by Vinny, but the Kingdom opted not to pin him when they could have. Instead Taven called out ROH world champ, Christopher Daniels, and then hit Daniels’ Angel’s Wings on Ali, and got the 3 count.
Daniels and Taven meet for the title on May 10th in Dearborn Michigan.
Winners: the Kingdom (Taven pinned Ali)
Young Bucks Segment
The Young Bucks came out and tried to quell any rumours that there was dissension amongst them and Adam Cole in Bullet Club. They reaffirmed that Bullet Club was 4-life.
Then they said they were out of challengers in ROH, so they issued an open challenge to any tag team anywhere.
This brough out Mikey and Kenny from the Spirit Squad. They said they were accepting the challenge, but not for next week, they wanted to face the Bucks right now. They ran into the ring and were immediately super-kicked and knocked out by the Bucks. Commentary then announced we’d get the actual match next week.
2. Flip Gordan vs. Matt Sydal
Sydal will challenge Marty Scurll for the ROH TV title at War of the Worlds. While this was a showcase match for Sydal, Gordan got in a fair amount of offence as well.
Sydal wins with the shooting star press.
After the match Scurll ran into the ring and up behind Sydal. He tried to give him the chickenwing but Sydal hit him with a kick that took him out of the ring.
Winner: Matt Sydal
Story Time with Adam Cole Segment
Adam Cole came out and again said there were no problems in Bullet Club, and that he and the Young Bucks have worked everything out. Cole also mentions he will team up with Cody (Rhodes) next week against Dalton Castle and Christopher Daniels.
3. ROH World Title #1 Contenders Match
4-Corner Survivors Match
Jay Lethal vs. Silas Young vs. Jay White vs. Hangman Page (Bullet Club)
Christopher Daniels was on commentary, he also brought an apple-tini.
I don’t know quite how to describe this, or why I’m describing this but at one point during this match Silas Young spat on Hangman Page. In response, Page wiped the spit off his torso, licked it, and spat it back at Silas Young. It was nothing that should ever be repeated.
Lethal ended up getting the pin on Young after the Lethal Injection. Lethal will now face Christopher Daniels and Cody at War of the Worlds on May 12th for the ROH title.
Cody and Daniels each came down for a stare down session.
Winner: Jay Lethal (added to world title match at War of the Worlds)
For no reason, here is a video of the Young Bucks super-kicking some kids: