Ring of Honor TV
airdate: April 24th 2017 (FITE app)
Baltimore, MD
Christopher Daniels and Cody (Rhodes) Segment
Daniels cut a promo about Cody jumping him from behind. He says to Cody that if he wanted a title shot he just had to come and ask for one.
This brings out Cody who wants to face Daniels at War of the Worlds in the Hammerstein Ballroom, but that’s already scheduled to be Daniels defending against the winner of a 4-way match taking place next week. Cody indicates that Daniels and ROH don’t want him to win the title because he’s a part-timer and it would look bad.
1. Lio Rush (Search and Destroy) vs. Shane Taylor (the Rebellion)
Shane Taylor recently joined the Rebellion by attacking Lio Rush, so this was Rush’s chance at revenge. Caprice Coleman cut a promo on Rush before the match, just saying Rush should have joined them when he had the chance.
Taylor dominated early, but Rush battled back. In mid-comeback Rush turned his attention to Caprice Coleman however, which allowed Taylor to hit a spine buster for the pin.
After the match Sabin and Shelley came out to attend to Rush but were attacked by Coleman and Taylor from behind.
Winner: Shane Taylor
2. 2017 Top Prospects Tournament Final:
Josh Woods vs. John Skyler
Back and forth match with equal offence between the two. Woods worked his MMA gimmick quite a bit. Skyler ended up tapping to an armbar, earning Woods the victory. Woods now earns an ROH contract and a shot at the TV title.
After the match David Starr attacked Woods from behind. Starr claimed he was the top international star in wrestling (wrestles in Europe a lot but is from Philly). So looks like we’ll get David Starr vs. Josh Woods on ROH TV sometime soon.
Winner: Josh Woods (earns ROH contract)
Adam Cole does a pre-recorded interview asking the Young Bucks for forgiveness. Says they need to go back to being Bullet Club.
3. ROH TV Championship:
Marty Scurll (c) vs. Frankie Kazarian
Scurll went to throw powder in the eyes of Kazarian but got the ref instead. Kazarian then hit the Ace of Spades but there was no ref to count the 3. This brought out Hangman Page who eventually hit Kazarian with a chair, allowing Scurll to get the pin.
After the match Scurll cut a promo about how he was out of competition. This brought out Matt Sydal who indicated he wanted a shot at the ROH TV title. Scurll seemed less than pleased with this and left the ring area.
Winner: Marty Scurll