Last night’s Blue Justice VIII ‘Road To Destruction’ event saw the return of legendary Japanese star Satoshi Kojima. The NJPW veteran tagged alongside Yuji Nagata, Hiroyoshi Tenzan and Manabu Nakanishi in a winning effort against Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, Juice Robinson and David Finlay.
This was Kojima’s return to the ring since his ACL injury in January. After the main event Kojima took to the microphone to discuss his long road to get back into the ring. He stated “These last 8 months which I missed were very long and tough for me. But at the same time there was joy and happiness too. I learned that there are always good things waiting for you if you keep going. For those who are struggling with issues in life please watch us, and feel alive. Thank you.”
You can check out the full results from the Blue Justice VIII event here. The show included bouts between Los Ingobernables and Bullet Club, Kazuchika Okada and Hiroshi Tanahashi and CHAOS vs The Golden Lovers/Bullet Club.