Download the SEScoops App on iOS devices:
(requires iOS 8.3 or higher)
App Update (10/1):
Thanks to everybody who has downloaded the new SEScoops Mobile App so far. We’ve been getting a lot of useful feedback from our loyal readers about ways to improve the experience and want to give you an update on what’s being worked on for the next build.
- Crash Fixes: A lot of users have reported that the app crashes when you click the first ‘Top Story’ article at the very top of the app home page, as well as Category pages (WWE, NXT, etc.). These issues have already been resolved in the ‘1.1 beta’ version we are currently testing out and will be fixed in the next update.
- Search: We are overhauling the Search functionality on the app and will make it more accessible on the app main screen.
- Performance: There will be significant speed improvements, with the app loading even faster and smoother than the 1.0 build. We’re putting it through rigorous testing and you will be very pleased with the results.
The 1.1 build of the app should be completed this weekend and then it will be submitted it to the App Store for review. The review process typically takes around 7 days, so 1.1 should be available during the second week of October.
As for the Android version of the app – we’re told that 4-6 weeks is a realistic turnaround time to have the iOS app ported over to Android.
Thanks again and please comment below with your feedback!