Shane Taylor Discusses ROH’s 2019 Attendance Decline

Former ROH World Television Champion Shane Taylor has opened up about his championship victory, Shane Taylor Productions and ROH's attendance dip in 2019.

Former Ring of Honor (ROH) World Television Champion Shane Taylor participated in a recent interview with Solowrestling. Over the course of their conversation, Taylor addressed his initial championship victory and storylines. He even touched on ROH’s attendance drop during 2019. 

Reflecting on his championship win at ROH War of the Worlds 2019, Taylor called it a “surprise.” He defeated the defending Jeff Cobb, Villain Enterprises’ Brody King and New Japan Pro-Wrestling’s Hirooki Goto. Despite this initial shock, Taylor is confident in the decision. He stressed how he had been delivering “good matches, worked well and people began to see what I was doing.”

“It helped raise not only me, but my rival and when they have matches with me, social media and the world of wrestling talk about that match, other wrestlers want to get in the ring with Shane T,” he said. “For me, it means who the man is, it means more than any title when your friends want to wrestle you because they believe you make them look better, or that you make the company better. It is the legacy I want to leave. Know that your skill is being demanded and that people want to work with you.”

Shane Taylor Productions

Turning his attention towards his Shane Taylor Productions storyline, he stressed how he wasn’t just complaining. He was telling the truth. Having been left off of posters and marketing materials, Taylor took issue with ROH’s perceived disrespect at having omitted him. 

“As a Television Champion, one of the most prestigious wrestling championships, leaving you out of the poster is ridiculous,” he said. “I decided to do things my way. I bought my contract so that no one would fire me and I became a free agent, so I could open Shane Taylor Promotions, my promotional company, and have the platform and equipment I need to make sure that people can see everything I do and see the star I’ve become.”

“Those Who Say There Is No Star Power, Do Not See ROH”

With many top ROH stars having left for other promotions, live attendance took a dip in sales. Taylor, however, isn’t concerned as he states it is “normal” after top talent depart for sales to be impacted for a time. 

“It is no different than a basketball team and your star leaves,” Taylor explained. “Especially when you tell your people that he is the central figure. It was expected, but those who say there is no star power, do not see ROH. Simply, people talk but do not see the product because it is not. Our live events are amazing. Everyone will have their favorites, but in the end, people who are loyal to ROH will see that ROH always returns to the top and continues to innovate and continues to mark the style that everyone now copies, because that style was created in ROH.”

Shane Taylor recently lost the championship to Dragon Lee at ROH’s final pay-per-view of 2019, Final Battle.

H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the quotes.

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