Sound Off 157: Cena Drafted To Smackdown (Oh Wait, He’s Back)

Solomonster Sounds Off

Solomonster Sounds Off (Episode 157)

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Est. Runtime: 1 hour, 50 minutes

Solomonster was drafted to Raw yesterday, but was immediately drafted back to SEScoops and not a moment to soon as he delivers another PACKED Sound Off! This week, we’ll break down the 2011 WWE Draft and see how Solomonster’s picks panned out, talk UFC 129 from Toronto which was a great card with a boring main event, tonight’s WWE Extreme Rules and why it may set record lows, Steve Austin’s awesome RICKROLL, a word on Chris Jericho, CM Punk leaving WWE, Kurt Angle trying out for the 2012 Olympics, TNA’s sexual harassment suit, Kevin Dunn’s salary, and ONE MAN KRU. Who is that man, you may ask? When this show is over, you’ll know all about him. Listen NOW!

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