Sound Off 163: Skewering Raw and Praising TNA (Yes, It’s True!)

Solomonster Sounds Off

Solomonster Sounds Off (Episode 163)

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Est. Runtime: 1 hour, 37 minutes

On Tough Enough, Andy Leavine called himself “Silent Rage”, but this week, Solomonster’s rage is anything but silent as he tears Raw to shreds, talks about Big Andy’s win over Luke, gives praise to TNA (you read that correctly), why Hulk Hogan will NOT sue Warrior over his wild claims, cause of death for Savage revealed, Tommy Dreamer done with TNA, an injury update on Skip Sheffield, UFC’s possible purchase of G4 and why WWE and TNA should be paying close attention, and a HUGE mailbag! Why are you still reading this? Download this show now!

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