Sound Off 175: A No-Nonsense Look At The Fall of Matt Hardy

Solomonster Sounds Off

Solomonster Sounds Off (Episode 175)

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Est. Runtime: 1 hour, 10 minutes

Solomonster would like to apologize for his explicit language during parts of this week’s show. He may have broken his own record for use of the f-word and will try hard to cut back on that in the future, but it won’t be easy. Surely, there must be a patch or some special gum out there to help kick the habit, no? Sound Off 175 features a no-nonsense take on the fall of Matt Hardy and why it’s no great tragedy. Plus, more details on the giant UFC/FOX deal and implications for both WWE and TNA, a review of Impact Wrestling and more nonsense, a great match on Smackdown, a machine that mutes annoying TV personalities, a quick review of Steve Austin’s latest film and THE MAILBAG! A packed show for mature audiences only, so check it out!

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