Solomonster Sounds Off (Episode 179)
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Est. Runtime: 1 hour, 41 minutes
This week, Solomonster gives his quick predictions for Night of Champions and discusses the Survivor Series news that The Rock will team up with John Cena. Why WWE may be doing this (and why it will backfire) and how we may have KEVIN NASH to thank for Rock’s wrestling return being bumped up. Plus, thoughts on the first Sting vs. Ric Flair match in 10+ years and Flair’s injury coming out of that match, Impact spoilers that may change the “Bound for Glory” main event, ripping on Hulk Hogan’s “Micro Championship Wrestling”, ROH returning to TV and an ex-WrestleMania headliner is threatened by an 80-year old announcer. All that, plus THE MAILBAG make this show a win!
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