Sound Off 201: Making a Case For Why The Funkasaurus Will Work

Solomonster Sounds Off

Solomonster Sounds Off (Episode 201)

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Est. Runtime: 1 hour, 13 minutes

Solomonster starts out with a rant on people who think a return to the Attitude Era will solve WWE’s ratings problems, then we discuss RAW GETS FUNKY with the return of Brodus Clay, potential WrestleMania locations for the next two years, the latest on Shaq’s WWE deal and ideas on how he could be used, WWE delays the launch of its new network, John Cena’s true worth to the company and THE MIGHTY MAILBAG. Make love to your woman while listening to this week’s show. Or better yet, don’t do that.

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Solomonster Sounds Off by The Solomonster is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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