Home News Sound Off 255: Addressing “Super Schmuck’s” Punk Rant

Sound Off 255: Addressing “Super Schmuck’s” Punk Rant


Solomonster Sounds Off (Episode 255)

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Est. Runtime: 2 hours

Solomonster is back with a gigantic show covering all of this week’s major events, including Rock and CM Punk’s first confrontation, Alberto Del Rio winning the World title and how this may affect WrestleMania plans, Mick Foley announced for the Hall of Fame and addressing the “glorified stuntman” tag, El Generico heading to WWE, what his signing says about Colt Cabana, a rant on “Super Schmuck” Billy Graham and his latest tirade on CM Punk, TNA announces a new PPV structure for 2013, Bully Ray pops the question to Brooke Hogan, addressing what really ended the career of Nigel McGuinness, and should there be a WCW Monday Nitro one-night reunion?

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Solomonster Sounds Off by The Solomonster is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.