Home News Sound Off 256: TNA Showed Total Lack of Class This Week

Sound Off 256: TNA Showed Total Lack of Class This Week


Solomonster Sounds Off (Episode 256)

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Est. Runtime: 1 hour, 23 minutes

Solomonster rather enjoyed the wedding angle on Impact and has praise for the show. Unfortunately, TNA squandered that goodwill by screwing over their UK fans and so they get an equal amount of scorn this week. We’ll talk what the company should do, at the very least, to make up for their lack of class, plus talk about Raw’s 20th anniversary, the absurdity of Super Cena, Eve’s WWE departure and where that leaves the Divas division, using Ric Flair to endorse The Miz, why Bobby Heenan hates Tony Schiavone, and a blunt answer on why some fans hate on indy wrestling.

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Solomonster Sounds Off by The Solomonster is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.