Home News *SPOILERS* Impact Wrestling Results For 1/5

*SPOILERS* Impact Wrestling Results For 1/5

TNA Impact Wrestling

Credit to TNAInsider.com for the following live report from Wednesday’s Impact Wrestling results.

– Zema Ion defeated Anthony Nese in their Best of 3 Series. Ion faces Austin Aries at Genesis for the X Division championship.

January 5th IMPACT Wrestling

– Sting and Jeff Hardy are in the ring. Sting goes on to talk about his past mistakes and his own personal demons. He compares them to what Jeff Hardy recently went through. Bobby Roode, Kurt Angle and Bully Ray interupt. Roode says that sting is showing favoritism to a screw up like Jeff Hardy and that he does not deserve a title shot after what happened. James Storm and Abyss interupt Roode and begin to talk about their respective matches at Genesis. Sting announces a six man tag match between them all.

– Gail Kim and Madison Rayne defeated Mickie James and Traci Brooks

– Gunner and Rob Van Dam wrestled to a No Contest. Gunner and RVD continued to fight. Gunner gets the better of RVD and was about to Piledrive RVD onto the concrete. TNA agents manage to hold back Gunner just in time.

– Zema Ion and Jesse Sorensen defeated Austin Aries and Kid Kash when Sorensen pinned Aries with his Whiplash maneuver.

– Wildcard TagTeam Tournament final: Magnus and Samoa Joe defeated AJ Styles and Kazarian. Magnus pinn styles after Christopher Daniels distracts Kazarian and he misses AJ asking for a tag.

– Jeff Hardy, James Storm and Abyss wrestled Bobby Roode, Bully Ray and Kurt Angle to a no contest. After the match, Roode and Angle held Hardy and Storm in submission moves. Bully Ray choked Abyss with a chain.