Here are spoiler results for TNA iMPACT set to air on June 10th, courtesy of Tim Capture and
* Xplosion match: Max Buck vs. Chris Sabin. Winner via springboard tornado DDT, Chris Sabin
* For Impact, Brian Kendrick vs. Homicide. Douglas Williams comes out to do commentary. Winner via kick to the face, Brian Kendrick
* AJ Styles, Desmond Wolfe, Kazarian and Beer Money come out. AJ says as you can see, Ric Flair is not with us. Due to his absence, he will take control of the situation. The situation being that they are in an eight man match thanks to Hogan and Bischoff. Problem is there’s five of them in the ring. Five doesn’t work, it’s always four. Solution is, Kazarian is out. Flair’s music hits but Jay Lethal comes out dressed and acting like Flair. He asks if he heard that AJ is in charge? He says AJ will never be the man because he, Ric Flair is the man. Right now you’re looking at god. Lethal goes on doing the Flair impersonation, drops the elbow on his jacket and all. He says AJ is right about one thing, there is definitely an eight man match tonight. He introduces his team: Abyss, Mr. Anderson and the fourth is Abyss because he counts twice. Lethal says we’re not doing this tonight, we’re doing this right now. Team Lethal rushes the ring but there’s too many for them until Hardy’s music hits and he makes the save. Team Lethal stares down Team AJ. Team AJ leaves as Lethal elbow drops his shirt.
* The Motor City Machine Guns come out to join commentary.
* Roxxi and Rosie Lottalove vs. The Beautiful People. Winner via Roxxi Driver on Lacey, Roxxi and Rosie Lottalove. After the match Madison Rayne attacks Roxxi. The Beautiful People beat up Roxxi and Rosie and leave.
* Bischoff is backstage with Miss Tessmacher and Matt Morgan. Morgan just wants to know who his tag team partner. Bischoff says you’re going to find out tonight.
* Hulk Hogan is waiting for him at the entrance ramp right now. Morgan’s music hits and he comes out to see who his partner in the tag title match is. He’s not happy he’s finding out right now. Hogan’s music hits. Hogan comes out and says Morgan is the biggest crybaby he knows. There’s a reason he’s out there by himself. He backstabs everybody. Hogan asks if viva la raza means anything? Hernandez comes out and rushes the ring. Hernandez is beating Morgan down. He chokes Morgan out with his shirt and leaves. The referee gives the X sign and security rush out with a stretcher. They hook Morgan into the stretcher and go to leave but The Band’s music hit. Security leaves Morgan in the ring. The bell rings and Eric Young gets the pin. Afterwards they stretcher Morgan out.
* A pissed off Jesse Neal comes to the ring with a concerned Shannon Moore behind him. Neal calls out Bubba and wants him to come out so he can talk to him to his face, man to man. Bubba comes out with a concerned Devon. Security and agents stay between them. Neal asks why if he has a problem he can’t settle it like a man has something to say. Shannon basically calls Bubba a douchebag. Devon says he’s going to give Shannon a pass on this one. This is between them and Neal because they trained Neal. Devon then tells Bubba to get his head on straight and leave the kid alone. Bubba takes the opportunity to cheap shot Neal. Security gets in between everybody and Team 3D leaves.
* Kurt Angle is out for a match. He says this Sunday at Slammiversary his first victim from the top ten will be tenth ranked wrestler Kazarian. In preparation he’s asked the greatest X Division wrestler there is to come out and throw everything he has at him.
* Kurt Angle vs. Amazing Red. Winner via Angle Slam, Kurt Angle.
* AJ Styles, Desmond Wolfe & Beer Money, Inc. vs. Jay Lethal, Abyss w/Chelsea, Mr. Anderson & Jeff Hardy. Winner via Styles Clash on Jay Lethal, AJ Styles, Desmond Wolfe & Beer Money, Inc. After the match, AJ’s team all threw up the Four Horsemen sign.
* Backstage, RVD is looking for Sting but Sting finds him first and attacks him. Sting is wearing a championship belt with tape on it that says deception. They’re fighting all over the place and fought into the merchandise stand. They eventually end up in front of the crowd. They fight up the entrance into the ring. Looks like Sting stole the world belt at some point and that’s what he has on. Sting gets the advantage when he threw RVD into a chair set up in the corner. He beats him down with a chair and then says “You see this belt pal? It’s a deception. It’s yours till this Sunday.” RVD gets on the mic and asks if Sting thinks this is over? He was just pacing himself. Sting is at the entrance and is to leave but Hulk Hogan comes out and hits Sting and takes him to the ring. RVD and Hogan take turns hitting him. RVD whips Sting into a big boot from Hogan in the corner. RVD hits a 5 Star Frog Splash. Music hits, we go to commercial.
* Xpolosion match, for the TNA Knockouts Women’s Championship, Madison Rayne defeats Taylor Wilde.