Credit to reader Eric for sending in these TNA Impact Wrestling tapings results from Tuesday night.
Impact Wrestling: Airing On Thanksgiving (11/24)
* They re-taped the James Storm and AJ Styles segment to air on November 17th first.
* Matt Morgan and Crimson retained the Tag Titles against Mexican America.
* Karen Jarrett comes out with Traci Brooks, Gail Kim and Madison Rayne. Karen calls out the Knockouts roster and announces a Lingerie Match.
* Kurt Angle comes out for a promo on James Storm, who eventually came out. Storm wants to fight but Daniels, Bully Ray and Jeff Jarrett come down to surround him. Storm hit Angle but he gets beat down. AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam and Mr. Anderson make the save. Bobby Roode came out towards the end and Storm laid him out.
* Velvet Sky, Tara and Miss Tessmacher beat Winter, Angelina Love and Madison Rayne in a Lingerie Match. Mickie James came out, stopped Madison from interfering and Velvet pinned her for the win. Mickie may have been injured.
* Backstage segment with former referee Rudy Charles, Eric Young, Rob Terry and Robbie E. Robbie vs. Young is booked tonight where the loser has to wear a turkey suit.
* Jeff Hardy comes out in his mask but when he takes it off, it’s Jeff Jarrett. Hardy came out and they fought. Daniels and Bully Ray made the save for Jarrett, which brought back out Styles, Anderson and RVD.
* Eric Young beat Robbie E. Young made Rob Terry put the turkey suit on after the match because Robbie was laid out.
* Jeff Hardy, Mr. Anderson, AJ Styles and Rob Van Dam beat Robby Roode, Jeff Jarrett, Bully Ray and Daniels in the main event elimination match. Angle and Storm were at ringside. It came down to Styles and Hardy winning for their team. Roode and Hardy actually didn’t start the match as Roode was doing commentary and Hardy was recovering from earlier. Angle and Storm ended up brawling to the back. After the match, Roode came out and took Styles and Hardy down to end the show.
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