*SPOILERS* TNA iMPACT! Tapings Results For 3/31

TNA iMPACT! Tapings Results For Thursday 3/31
Credit to Wrestling News World for these results

* Mr. Anderson is dragging Earl Hebner to the ring. He wants Earl to tell everybody that he was the one that rang the bell and disqualified him which gave the match to Rob Van Dam. Earl says his shirt means authority and respect. If he puts his hands on him again he’s suspended for 90 days. If he doesn’t like it then tough s—-. Anderson argues it’s not true and he better reverse the disqualification right now or he promises Hebner will regret it. Hebner promises Anderson the decision stands. He tries to leave but Anderson grabs him and gives him a knee. He goes to Mic Check him but Brian Hebner ran in. Anderson asks if he’s here to screw him too like his dad. Everybody knows his dad is in the business of screwing people. Sting comes out and tells the Hebners to leave. Sting says you want to pick on someone pick on him. Anderson says this isn’t Stinger country, this is a–hole country. Sting attacks him and a brawl breaks out. Security breaks it up and Rob Van Dam comes out. He says if Anderson is so sure he got screwed out of proving he can beat him, then let’s make it a three-way at the pay-per-view. Anderson and Sting keep trying to get at each other.

* Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff come out and say we’ve got some interesting stuff going on. We’ve got all these guys wanting a fight and the network wanting ratings so how you guys versus Ric Flair’s team of Abyss, Matt Hardy and Bully Ray in a steel cage? Matter o fact, that’s set and is the main event.

* Orlando Jordan and Eric Young join commentary. Shannon Moore w/Jesse Neal vs. Scott Steiner w/Crimson. Winner via top rope Frankensteiner, Scott Steiner. Shannon Moore is mad at Jesse Neal after the match. While arguing, Douglas Williams and Magnus attack Jordan and Young and leave them in a heap near the ring.

* Jeremy Buck vs. Max Buck. Winner via top rope corkscrew blockbuster, Max Buck

* Velvet Sky vs. Winter. Angelina Love came out on the ramp during the match. Winner via submission, Winter. Velvet was distracted by Angelina which allowed Winter to hit her catatonic backbreaker and then lock in a submission. Winter and Angelina left together after the match.

* Mr. Anderson is back out. He demands Sting come out. Sting gets face-to-face with Anderson in the ring. Anderson asks if he wants him to apologize? Anderson normally wouldn’t do this, but… and then decks Sting. A fight starts and they brawl all over the Impact Zone. They fight up the bleachers and into the crowd. They make their way back to the ring and keep going back and forth until Bully Ray, Matt Hardy and Abyss run down and open up on Sting and Anderson. They use chains, microphones and guardrails to deliver their beating. RVD comes out for the save. He helps Sting but let’s Hardy and Abyss continue the beatdown on Anderson. Anderson gets rolled into the ring and decked by Sting. Immortal leaves as Ray screams to save it for the cage.

* Kurt Angle is in the ring and is tired of this bulls—. Jeff Jarret, get your a– out here. Angle’s not waiting until Lockdown. Jarrett is out but has Rob Terry with him and is giving him instructions.

* Rob Terry w/Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle. Winner via ankle lock, Kurt Angle. Angle stares Jarrett down afterwards. He runs after him and gets an ankle lock for a second in the ring. Jarrett scurries away but Angle catches him on the ramp and chokes him with Jarrett’s shirt. He tries to give him an Angle Slam on the stage but Jarrett gets away.

* Steel cage match, Abyss, Matt Hardy and Bully Ray w/Ric Flair vs. Sting, Mr. Anderson & Rob Van Dam. Sting attacked Anderson before the match started and suplex him on the stage, basically making this three-on-two. The match turned into a beat down on Sting and RVD. At one point Anderson finally tries to get in the ring but Hulk Hogan comes down and beats on Anderson some then rolls him in. Hogan wore a back brace during this. When Anderson comes in Sting attacks him. Immortal continues the beatdown on the three. Winner via full nelson slam from Bully Ray to RVD, Bully Ray, Abyss & Matt Hardy. Immortal continued the beatdown afterwards but Fortune minus AJ Styles ran down for the save. At some point Anderson had left.

* Thanks to the use of Ray’s chain Immortal is able to get the upper hand and take out Fortune. Kazarian is a bloody mess. Christopher Daniels runs out, climbs the cage and dives off the top onto Immortal. Crowd erupts and chants “Welcome back!” Daniels checks on his buddies and attacks Immortal. Sting and RVD join in and hit Five Star Frog Splashes and Scorpion Death Drops. Beer Money double suplex Hardy and then Daniels hits the BME on Hardy. RVD clears the ring as everybody celebrates. Kazarian is wearing a thick crimson mask.


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