*SPOILERS* TNA iMPACT Tapings Results For Thursday

SEScoops reader Eric sent in the following TNA iMPACT! tapings results from Monday night in Orlando:

Dark Matches:

* Brian Kendrick defeated Neicko, who was a student of Booker T’s.

* Stevie Richards beat Okada.


* Magnus comes out with Chelsea to take on Orlando Jordan. Jordan wins with a sleeper.

* Kazarian beat Rhino.


* Ric Flair is backstage talking to a woman. Matt Morgan comes in and asks if Eric Bischoff is really making Mr. Anderson wrestle with a concussion. Morgan says it’s not right. Flair says in his day they were men and took care of their business.

* Robbie E. defeated X Division Champ Jay Lethal in a non-title match. After the match, Cookie sprayed something in Lethal’s eyes after the match and Robbie hit his finisher.

* We see Tara attacking Mickie James at catering. They brawl all over the place. Madison Rayne comes to help Tara while The Beautiful People show up for Mickie. Sarita also comes out also and they brawl into the iMPACT Zone. Ric Flair and his security come break things up. Tara hits Flair and he goes nuts. Mickie slaps Flair and he flops. The brawl continues and Mickie, The Beautiful People vs. Madison, Tara and Sarita is set for later.

* Backstage segment with Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair. Bischoff says Hulk Hogan is away working on major deals. Bischoff threatens security with firing them. A TNA trainer comes in and talks with Bischoff about making Anderson wrestle with a concussion. More concussion talk and this isn’t cool.

* A casket is brought to the ring before The Pope comes out. Pope cuts a promo on Abyss, who shows up in the crowd. Abyss says Hogan and Bischoff told him to take care of Pope. The Last Rites match is on for Turning Point.

* Tommy Dreamer comes out with EV 2.0 and says Rob Van Dam hasn’t returned their calls or anything. RVD comes out and Dreamer wants to end the beef. RVD says he doesn’t know who he can trust. It ends up with RVD and Raven getting into it. Fortune comes out and Flair laughs them off. Fortune vs. EV 2.0 is announced for the PPV. The winner gets to pick an opponent to be fired. Raven and RVD vs. AJ Styles and Douglas Williams is announced for tonight.

* The Motor City Machineguns beat Generation Me and Ink Inc. in a Tag Team Title match. Team 3D come out after the match and puts over TNA’s tag teams. They talk about retiring and want to go out with the best, against the Guns. Guns accept the challenge for the PPV. It’s Guns vs. Team 3D with the belts on the line.

* Matt Morgan talks more to Eric Bischoff about concussions and Mr. Anderson. Bischoff says it’s a great idea but Morgan disagrees.. Anderson vs. Jarrett is still on.

* Sarita, Tara and Madison beat The Beautiful People and Mickie James when Sarita pins Velvet.

* Matt Morgan tries to talk with Mr. Anderson backstage.

* AJ Styles and Douglas Williams beat Raven and RVD when Williams pins RVD. Ric Flair busted Raven with the TV Title during the match. After the match, RVD and Raven had words.

* Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Jarrett in a Chain Match. Jarrett comes out and calls Anderson to the ring. Matt Morgan comes out instead and says it’s up to them to look out for the next generation of wrestlers safety. Jarrett says it’s all about survival in TNA and tells Morgan to leave. It’s going to be Morgan vs. Jarrett in a Chain Match now. Jarrett gets the win with The Stroke. Morgan attacks Jarrett after the loss but Fortune comes out and beat down Morgan.


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