*Spoilers* TNA Impact Wrestling Results (Airing 1/16)

The following are spoiler results for the Friday, January 16th episode of TNA Impact Wrestling from the Manhattan Center in New York City, courtesy of WrestlingINC.com:

– MVP and his new growing faction start the show. They reveal their name is the Beatdown Clan or BDC for short. Eric Young comes out and gets booed. He says what fans think doesn’t matter to him. EY talks about hating Bobby Roode. MVP calls out new World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Lashley but Kurt Angle comes out instead. Angle goes face to face with Samoa Joe and punches him.

– Samoa Joe defeated Kurt Angle by submission when the referee went down and Joe hit Angle with a low blow. The BDC beat Angle down after the match until Roode made the save.

– Eric Young vs. Bobby Roode begins in the aisle and they start brawling around the ring.

– Roode sits down in the middle of the ring for a promo. He’s pissed off and says this crap in TNA has gone too far. Roode says he’s going to make EY pay for his sins tonight.

– The Hardys vs. The Wolves II is next. The Revolution watches the match from the balcony. Jeff Hardy had a great spot at one point where he went to the top, walked from one turnbuckle to the other and then dove out onto The Wolves. The Hardys get the win and the two teams shake hands. This was said to be as good as you’d expect.

– Eric Young vs. Bobby Roode begins in the aisle and they start brawling around the ring. They brawled through the crowd and there were “we can’t see you” chants. Young wins with a piledriver on a chair.

– MVP and Kenny King comes out. MVP says tonight is a night for celebrating and Lashley will be competing. This could have been for the live crowd.

– JB announces a Feast or Famine match for another episode.

– Velvet Sky and Angelina Love defeated Brooke Tessmacher and Taryn Terrell. BroMans were at ringside with The Beautiful People. Awesome Kong appears after the lights go out. She chokeslams Zema Ion. Havok’s music hits and out she comes. Her and Kong face off in the middle of the ring but security breaks it up before anything happens.

– Low Ki vs. Austin Aries for the X Division Title is next. Ki gets the win to become the new champion, just one night after losing it. Ki got the win after Kenny King attacked Austin Aries on the top rope.

– MVP calls out Bobby Lashley and he shows this time. MVP says he got Lashley everything he has. MVP says The BDC (Beat Down Clan) owns the World Heavyweight Title. Lashley says the title is his. Lashley wants nothing to do with this and MVP is offended. They hug but Low Ki attacks and Lashley gets beat down by the group. Ki hits a double stomp to the back and MVP hits him with the belt. As they leave, MVP says the title doesn’t belong to Lashley, it belongs to The BDC.

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