Here are spoiler results for Thursday’s episode of Impact Wrestling, courtesy of reader Eric:
* Bobby Roode opens the show and talks about his win at Lockdown. Mr. Anderson interrupts him and then Jeff Hardy. Hulk Hogan appears on the big screen and wants all the champs in the ring later.
* Crimson and Bully Ray beat Matt Morgan and Austin Aries
* Garett Bischoff comes out to celebrate with Rob Van Dam, Anderson and AJ Styles.
* Borash is out next to remind everyone that Eric Bischoff has lost the right to his name and is off the air. Garett is out next for a celebration. Ric Flair interrupts and rips Garett. Flair will host a party for Eric Bischoff next week.
* Kurt Angle beat AJ Styles.
* Devon, Gail Kim, Samoa Joe and Magnus all come to the ring. Austin Aries and Bobby Roode joins them. Hogan is out next and says change is in the air. Impact will be dubbed “Open Fight Night” once a month where talent outside of TNA can show up to have a match. Three judges and Hogan will decide if the person gets a contract. Hogan tells Devon the TV Title will be defended every week.
* Miss Tessmacher, Velvet Sky and Mickie James beat Sarita, Rosita and Madison Rayne.
* Devon beat Gunner.
* James Storm comes out next and talks about Lockdown. Storm says Roode didn’t beat him, he beat himself.
* Rob Van Dam beat Jeff Hardy and Mr. Anderson to become the new #1 contender to the TNA World Title.